How to make healthy choices every day

Baked Goods

Super Chunk Gingerbread Granola

Super Chunk Gingerbread Granola

Let’s be honest. The best part about granola is the chunks. The way they land in your mouth, craggy and crunchy, requiring an actual <<chomp>> of your teeth, a shattering of caramelized everything, oat-and-nut shrapnel. Can you tell I’ve thought a lot about this? Yes.…

Coconut Dreamcake – Celebrating 15 Years of MNR

Coconut Dreamcake – Celebrating 15 Years of MNR

Happy birthday, My New Roots! We’re celebrating 15 years strong with a Danish dreamcake, and I am so grateful to you, dear reader, for following along. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning, or this is your first post, thank you for being here and…

Strawberry Rhubarb Rose Crumble Bars

Strawberry Rhubarb Rose Crumble Bars

My dear ones! It’s been another while since being in the blog space and I’m happy to be here with you, in the glory of summer unfolding. I love having the time to craft these posts, since they are a true outpouring from my heart…

Strawberry Rhubarb Hemp Breakfast Bites

Strawberry Rhubarb Hemp Breakfast Bites

This post is a long time coming! And I’m so excited to finally be sharing my bedroom with you all and these Strawberry Rhubarb Hemp Breakfast Bites! We’ve now been in our home for a year and a bit, and although it’s (still!) not complete,…

Grain-free Holiday Tahini Cookies, 2-ways + A Gift Guide

Grain-free Holiday Tahini Cookies, 2-ways + A Gift Guide

You know the feeling: it’s twenty minutes after dinner. You’re full and seemingly suffonsified, when it hits you. I NEED A TREAT. Raisins will not help. Granola won’t cut it. Coconut chips? Pfff. That teeny square of dark chocolate you were keeping as a fallback…

Blackberry and Currant Clafoutis

Blackberry and Currant Clafoutis

The first time I heard the word, I knew I would love it. Clafoutis. Clah. Foo. Tee. It felt so good just to say it, like a laughing cloud floating off my tongue, I was certain it would taste even better. I was right. Clafoutis…

Farewell to Copenhagen Carrot Cake

Farewell to Copenhagen Carrot Cake

Boil the kettle and make a cup of tea folks, this is going to be a big one! First of all, I have to begin this post by saying THANK YOU. My New Roots is officially 10 years old and I couldn’t have done it without…

Cinnamon Crunch Cereal and Hemp Milk

Cinnamon Crunch Cereal and Hemp Milk

“It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change his diet.” – Margaret Mead Yup. Pretty much. This entire shift began when I had a particularly gnarly couple of months with manic mood swings that rivaled my adolescence, acne flare-ups, bloating, low energy,…