How to make healthy choices every day

Recent Posts

Roasted Roots

I received an email from a reader recently, asking for my suggestions on a raw food “trial” diet, since her and a few friends thought that they would like to give the lifestyle a whirl. Here’s my suggestion: don’t do it!The reason: it’s cold outside!…

Masala Chai

Who’s cold and cranky? Who’s damp and dreary? I am! I know that the autumn weather on the Canadian side of the world is not so bad, but across the pond in Denmark, it is endlessly gross. The sun poked its head out for about…

Eating Compassionately

I had a rather upsetting experience a couple weeks ago. I was driving down the highway somewhere outside of Toronto, overtaking a large freight truck, which from behind looked rather unremarkable. However, as I passed the cargo-loaded back end, I realized that the truck was…

Reader Request: My Favorite Recipe – Four Corners Lentil Soup

I have had so many requests for my favorite recipe, that it’s high time I make the big reveal! I have no idea how the idea for this delightful soup even got into my hot little hands, but I have always been a huge fan…

Morning Glories

Morning Glories

While cruising the aisles of my local grocery store recently, I stumbled across a serious abomination: Quaker Oat Breakfast Cookies. Now, the concept of breakfast cookies have been around for quite some time, as we have all found someway of justifying desserts to jump start…

Celebrating Two Years

Happy Anniversary! My New Roots is two years old now, thanks to all of you! I have infinite gratitude for your enduring support, curiosity, and enthusiasm for all things healthy. This year will be filled with exciting new things, such as the launch of My…

Whole Food Thinking and Whole Plant Eating

Would it sound strange to buy sneakers without the laces, or a sandwich and throw away the bun? Well, it seems to be in this culture of ours, we’ve grown accustomed to eating just part of a whole food, and tossing away the parts that…

Black Bean Beauty Burgers

Just because summer is winding down, does not mean that the barbeque will be put to sleep just yet. If you’re a die-hard griller, you know that there are still plenty of late summer nights left to enjoy the smoky taste only a barbeque can…