How to make healthy choices every day


Adaptogenic Date Shake

Adaptogenic Date Shake

Each year, my now friend Sasha Swerdloff of Tending the Table genius organizes a trip for women in the food world (bloggers, cookbook authors, chefs, nutritionists, photographers etc.) to get together, hang out, share delicious food, and get to know each other beyond a screen (…see?…

Secret Ingredient Frozen Hot Chocolate

Secret Ingredient Frozen Hot Chocolate

When I was in high school, the cool thing to do at lunch was eschew the basement cafeteria (obvi), leave the grounds altogether, and go to the local coffee shop. This made us feel like “adults” or something, sitting on plush velvet sofas, gossiping about…

Beet, Raspberry and Vanilla Smoothie Bowl

Beet, Raspberry and Vanilla Smoothie Bowl

Hey buddy, how’s your blood doing these days? Is it healthy and flowing? Full of oxygen and freshly-made red blood cells? Have you ever even thought about this?! The answer is, not likely. And that is nothing to be ashamed about. We are never really…

A Winter Weekend Cleanse

A Winter Weekend Cleanse

Happy 2015, dear friends! I wasn’t sure about doing a detox post this year simply because it seemed predictable, but over the past couple weeks, my body told my brain to stop thinking so much and just do what I feel. Smart body. There are…