How to make healthy choices every day

Raw Food

Introducing Summer Lights + The Mojito Smoothie

Summer is here! I’ve officially crossed the pond from freezing cold northern Europe to tropical southern Canada! I am pretty happy to feel the sun shining and the heat in full force. Finally. As I was looking at my calendar the other day, I realized…

Bircher Muesli with Spiced Strawberry Sauce

As the weather warms up, my food cools down. This seems to happen every single year without my even noticing. A couple weeks ago while blending up a green smoothie, I realized that the seasons must be shifting because my body is suddenly asking for…

Ecstatic Raw Chocolate

There are few things as uplifting as making a new friend. But meeting your soul mate? Now that’s ecstatic!I first started hearing from Elenore Bendel Zahn in the comments section here on my blog. She always seemed to be one of the first people to…

Meatless Mondays with Martha Stewart – Triple Radish Noodle Salad

I have no idea what’s come over me, but I am suddenly obsessed with radishes. Honestly, until a couple months ago I thought radishes were kind of gross: too earthy, too “dirt”-flavored, too pungent. So how did I go from despising to fantasizing practically overnight? That mystery…

Roasted Sesame Winter Slaw

So we’re in the thick of it. Holiday parties, work celebrations, family gatherings and whole lotta food! Everywhere. You can’t swing your party dress without hitting a tray of canapés. In between social events I can hear you complaining about your extraordinary eggnog intake and…

Heart Beet Rawvioli with Pesto Oil

I don’t often get personal here on the blog, at least when it comes to talking about my private life, but something has happened that I simply can’t avoid mentioning. My wonderful, thrill-seeking husband had a bad hang gliding accident and broke not one, but…

Raw Salted Caramel Apple Dip

Is it just me, or is salted caramel the new chipotle mayo? Although I would like to think I stay away from food fads, this Raw Salted Caramel Apple Dip would qualify as trendy. After seeing recipes pop up on so many food blogs, and…

Waste Not, Want Not – Raw Nut Pulp Hummus

I said I would deliver, and so I have. Allow me to introduce you to a pretty special, however delightfully simple, raw hummus made out of, what else? Leftover pulp from making nut milk. Hoorah! I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about the…