How to make healthy choices every day


Sri Lankan Beetroot Curry & Kale Mallung

Sri Lankan Beetroot Curry & Kale Mallung

Where do I even begin? I guess I’ll start by saying that I feel like I am waking up from the most spectacular, flavourful, technicolour dream. Sri Lanka deeply touched me, from its incredible landscape, beautiful people and of course, the food. The food! The…

Revolutionary Pancakes

Revolutionary Pancakes

When I was pregnant, you wouldn’t believe how many people told me how much fun it would be cooking for a little person someday. Although this seemed like an obvious thing, I kind of shrugged it off, thinking that it wouldn’t be that awesome. I…

Seriously Super Cereal

Seriously Super Cereal

If you were to nominate one meal a day for a facelift, would it be breakfast? I thought so. Breakfast can be a challenge for many people, including myself. I get into super groovin’ streaks with morning meals for weeks on end at times, feeling like…

Late Summer Abundance Bowl

Late Summer Abundance Bowl

  I have a serious shopping addiction. But it’s not for clothes, or house wares, or even kitchen tools. No. It’s for health food. Although I am incredibly excited to go back to Canada every summer to see my family and friends, the other thing…

Raspberry Ripple Buckwheat Porridge

Does anyone out there latch onto a food and become totally obsessed with it? Do you find it making its way into almost everything you make? Lately, I’ve been riding the buckwheat wagon hard. And although I am not so much into food trends, I…

Early Summer Abundance Bowl

Keep it simple. Use what you have. Make it work. I’ve been staring at these three ideas for the past few hours. In between breastfeeding my baby, laundry, trying to make food for myself, emails, brushing my teeth and changing a couple diapers, I’ve been…

Chunky Chocolate Buckwheat Granola

Having a baby really puts your priorities under a microscope, because the little time that they are actually asleep during the day is your opportunity to get important things accomplished. Things like bathing, eating, laundry, doing your taxes, calling you mom. Funny then, that lately…

Coconut Black Rice Breakfast Pudding

The holidays are over. The rush of New Years has passed. And now we plummet, head first, into the depths of winter. Well, that was uplifting, Sarah. Okay, perhaps it feels a little doomsday around here with the weather as it is. It rains, it…