In all the busy-ness that is this life, I almost forgot to acknowledge the third year anniversary of My New Roots.
When I first started this blog, I thought it would just be a little hobby on the side of my nutrition practice, something fun to keep me in the loop, but over the years it has become so much more – my creative outlet, a place to reveal my latest culinary experiments and experiences, a place to make mistakes (oh, those buns…), a place to celebrate health and healing, to cleanse, to explore, and to grow. I can only hope that you are learning as much as I am.
I thank you for inviting my recipes and my ideas into your life. It makes me smile knowing that somewhere, on any given day, someone is getting their hands dirty in a raw pie crust, kneading their first loaf of bread, julienning sweet potatoes, or tasting ”yucky” vegetable again for the first time.
I thank you for encouraging me with your incredible comments and challenging me with your questions. You really, really have no idea how much they mean to me – I am feeling the love!
I thank you for continuing to share this site with the important people in your life – we are up to 9,000 visitors a month! Wow.
I thank you for taking this journey with me. Let’s keep going.
In love, gratitude, and health,
Sarah B
Thank you Sarah, I v been following your recipes for a number of months now and using them on most days. I love new recipes and I especially love yours, good luck and lots of love for the future
merci à vous
Happy Blog Birthday!
Thank you for inspiring.
Happy Blog Anniversary.
“So the years spin by and now the boy is twenty
Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
There’ll be new dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty
Before the last revolving year is through.”–you know who 😉
–keep dreaming up these magical ideas and continue to share them with the world
Thank YOU Sarah! Feeling lucky to have found your awesome blog! :)))
I love your blog thanks for sharing! Everything I have made I have loved keep the good ideas coming! Congrats!
Congratulations! I always enjoy visiting this blog and look forward all the recipes you come up with in the future. Thanks for sharing!
Thank YOU! And happy third Blogiversary! Here’s to many more inspiring and innovative posts!