How to make healthy choices every day

Healthy Tips

I’m So NOT in the Dark

What gives? They say that Scandinavia is the land of the midnight sun, but I have discovered that this is just a cute little euphemism for the land of sleepless nights. Since being here I have been unable to fall asleep with ease, or sleep…

Soak your Nuts

Soak your Nuts

Adding nuts to your diet is a very good idea. Nuts and seeds of all varieties contain essential fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. They are wonderful on salads, super as a spread on sandwiches, and great as a quick snack on the run. Most of…

Post ID: 835

There is something magical about a weekend winter morning. I find that the early hours of the day are steeped in a particular slowness that doesn’t accompany the other seasons. I can sleep in, go for a long walk in the snow to build up…

Have you Masticated Today?

I’m talking about chewing! When did we all stop eating mindfully and actually using our teeth? These days it’s hard to find time to eat, let alone do it “properly” so I thought it would be a good idea to remind us all why chewing…

Organic Garden in your Kitchen

Since we’re now in the dead of winter and we’re not exactly getting much in the way of local produce anymore, I thought it would be a great time to introduce ya’ll to the wonderful world of sprouts! I’m sure that most of you have…

Put a Lid on it

A friend of mine came to me the other day wondering what he could do to help him fall asleep at night. I told him the simplest, safest, cheapest and most effective thing to do is drink chamomile tea about half and hour before bed.…

I Want Candy?

For those of you who have known me for a while, you’ll recall the insatiable appetite I used to have for sugar. There was always a bag of skittles in my purse, ice cream and cookies at home, and most study sessions would involve at…

A Garlicky Miracle

Hello everyone! Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written, but I was waiting for some inspiration…unfortunately it came to me in the form of a scratchy throat on Friday morning. The good news is I feel 100 percent healthy again and I would love…