How to make healthy choices every day


Green Dream Chlorella Cream

Green Dream Chlorella Cream

Okay, Sarah B. has got another superfood obsession on her hands and she needs you to get on the bandwagon so she doesn’t seem so insane (perhaps not talking in third person would also remedy this). What is it this time? It’s chlorella. Yup, I’m…

Simple Mint Pea Dip

Spring has finally arrived here in Copenhagen and with the trees about to burst with leaves, and grass totally gleaming, I am feelin’ the need for fresh. Does that happen to any of you as soon as the season turns? It is one of the…

Good Gravy!

Hey – it’s time for a quickie. I am squeezing this post in because I just made the most delicious vegetarian gravy I’ve ever tasted and had to share. Out of all the traditional foods we consume over the holidays, gravy is right up there…

Ghee Whiz!

Hey you. Yeah, you. You’re still cooking with olive oil, aren’t you? Yup. Thought so. I am sure you’ve heard the news that this is a bad idea, but you’re not sure why so you just keep doing it. Sounds familiar. Sounds like me. For…

The High-Vibe Sandwich Makeover

(Holy Cow. It’s National Sandwich Day?! Weirdest coincidence ever. I did not plan this. ) Back during our totally fabulous honeymoon, my man and I stopped in at the illustrious Tartine Bakery in San Francisco to sample their world of baked goods. I know you’re…

Falling for Sweet Potato Hummus

Even in the thick of Los Angeles, I can feel the weather changing. This autumn has been strange for me. I am not walking through the fire-coloured forests of Ontario, or biking in spitting rain under steel-gray skies in Denmark. Nope. I am in sunny…

Autumn in a Jar: Fig Jam with Lavender, Thyme, and Walnuts

Autumn is my clandestine lover. It’s true that summer is the reliable, constant, and deeply warming season that I look forward to most in the darkness of winter. But fall is full of secrets, it is mysterious and unpredictable, making those last dreamy-hot days with…

Grilled Portobello Magic Mushrooms

It’s grilling season again, which makes this girl very happy. For years I felt left out at barbeques as I usually ended up with a plate full of gloppy potato salad poorly pretending to be happy: “oh no, I love Miracle Whip!” But since finally…