How to make healthy choices every day

Baked Goods

Carob & Fig Muffins

I have a very important announcement to make: Carob is not Chocolate. When I started eating more healthfully, I was introduced to carob as being a caffeine-free, high-fiber, nutrient-rich alternative to chocolate. In truth, it is all of those things, but um, sorry…it’s nothing like…

Cinnamon Bun in the Oven!

No, I am not trying to pull a fast one on you. There is a bun in the oven. Like, the real kind! I have been so, so excited to share the news with all of you that the love of my life and I…

Samosa-inspired Snacks with Sweet n’ Spicy Mint Chutney

When the craving for exciting, complex, rich Indian flavours comes calling I reach into my spice cabinet to complement the legumes, nuts, and veggies so prevalent in this plant-forward cuisine. The opposite of lazy cooking to us North Americans, flavours from our favourite Indian restaurants…

Tropical Chewy Granola Bars

Returning home from such an epic holiday, sitting here at my desk in my apartment feeling a million miles away from anything tropical, there is a part of me that wants to say I’m getting “back to reality”.  But that would be inaccurate, as I…

The Life-Changing Loaf of Bread

The Life-Changing Loaf of Bread

It took me a long time to settle on the title for this post. Why? Because it’s quite a statement to suggest that a humble loaf of bread will change your life… but the Life-Changing Loaf of Bread will do just that. I am willing…

Spiced & Salted Pumpkin Pie Minis

I’ve been staring at the blinking cursor for a couple days now. Why is this? Well, I think life lately has been rather overwhelming, even if it is in the best way possible. I am traveling more than I am home, speaking more often than…

Vanilla-Rooibos Fig Newtons

I believe there are a few foods adults eat that confuse the dickens out of each and every child: olives, oysters and Fig Newtons. I mean, c’mon. Dessert is supposed to be sweet, loaded with chocolate and sprinkles, and icing all over, right? For me,…

Chocolate Banana Birthday Cake with Maple Glazed Walnuts

Chocolate Banana Birthday Cake with Maple Glazed Walnuts

Today is my birthday. I am 30 years old. Looking back on my teens and twenties, I remember how absolutely freaked out I used to be about getting older. Every birthday that ticked by seemed like a cruel joke to a carefree young lady with…